How to Upload Oversized Paper to Arxiv

21 questions for PDF submission to the popular open-access archive of scholarly articles

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

arXiv is a pop open up-access archive of scholarly manufactures that has operated for the last 30 years and includes research in the fields of physics, mathematics, calculator science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems scientific discipline, and economic science. arXiv has helped open science through pre-prints and improved global collaboration by allowing authors to share knowledge earlier in the scientific procedure and gain feedback on their research and ideas. Today arXiv remains ane of the largest and exponentially growing preprint services.

The submission process to arXiv is complimentary and does not include peer review. All article submissions are meant to be carefully prepared "topical and refereeable scientific contributions that follow accepted standards of scholarly communication," according to the arXiv Submission Guidelines. Additionally, there is a moderation process conducted by volunteer subject matter experts to ensure submissions follow formatting guidelines and are of scholarly value. Upon submission authors must provide with a permanent license to distribute the commodity and agree to the Submission Terms and Agreement and Instructions for Submission.

No affair where you program to publish your enquiry, the article submission process, even before peer review can exist disruptive and time-consuming!

To brand the submission process to arXiv easier, nosotros've compiled the thirty+ pages of links and submission information into a 21 question checklist of necessary components for a PDF submission to arXiv. Nosotros tin can't guarantee your submission volition exist accepted, but promise this helps you along the way! We put this together while working to improve science advice with Curvenote, a writing platform for science that includes a defended export feature that integrates the necessary formatting requirements and produces submission-ready files to over 350 journals.

The following checklist consists of a number of questions that when answered "Aye," you may proceed to the next question. If you answer "No," we've provided further information and links. We recommend reviewing this checklist throughout your writing process to avoid unnecessary delays or added piece of work! Best of luck on your submission and enquiry!

Required arXiv Submission Checklist

one.) Are you an arXiv registered author?

  • Register here.
  • Required registration information:
    ▹ E-mail address — should exist current; an academic or research institution email is highly recommended
    ▹ Username — should be unique; cannot exist changed!
    ▹ Password — must be viii characters, ane not-alphabetic character
  • Personal data
    ▹ Name
    ▹ Affiliation
    ▹ Annal(s) near likely to submit to
  • All members must comply with arXiv'southward Code of Comport

ii.) Are your email accost and amalgamation upward to date?

  • Update your user information hither.

3.) Are you the original author of the article?

  • Are you a proxy that has been pre-approved by arXiv?
  • Special permission must exist granted for third party or proxy submission of articles. Acquire more and request permission hither.

iv.) Are yous the sole author of the article?

  • Accept all co-authors consented to submission to arXiv?
  • All co-authors must consent to submission of an article to arXiv. Acquire more here.

5.) Does your commodity brandish "scholarly interest, originality, novelty, and/or significance"?

  • Articles that exercise not include substantial enquiry, or that are besides similar to other recent submissions may be declined. Read more virtually the arXiv moderation guidelines here.

6.) Take you or exercise you lot plan on submitting your article to a journal or other outlet that prohibits distribution of your article on arXiv?

  • When you submit, you grant arXiv an irrevocable license to include your article in their repository. arXiv will non remove an article to comply with a periodical policy at whatever time.
  • Read more in the Instructions for Submission and Submission Terms and Agreement.

7.) Accept you selected a license for your article?

  • arXiv requires irrevocable permission from authors to share your commodity. This permission is granted through 1 of their bachelor licenses.

8.) Practise you know the Archive and Subject Class where you plan to submit?

  • Review the categories within each of the major archives on arXiv and select the best fit for your article.

9.) Have you been endorsed to submit to your selected subject category?

  • Have y'all submitted to that Archive and Subject field Class previously?
  • Endorsement is required for commencement-time submissions to a category to ensure that arXiv contributors are members of the scientific community. Endorsement is not a form of peer-review!
  • Some arXiv authors are given automated endorsement through their academic or research institutions.
  • If y'all are unsure if yous are endorsed, you can start the submission process hither. Fill up out the information on the kickoff folio and click Continue. If you need endorsement, a request for endorsement message volition appear at the tiptop of the page. You will not be able to move on in the submission process until you are endorsed.
  • To receive endorsement, follow the instructions here.

x.) Is your entire article (text, figures, tables, etc) all included in one PDF file?

  • When you export your article as a PDF from Curvenote, everything is included in one file and nosotros've taken intendance of arXiv's PDF formatting requirements.
  • Ancillary files are not currently supported with PDF submissions to arXiv.
  • If yous are submitting multiple versions of your article in multiple languages, both versions should be combined into a single PDF file.

11.) If you lot accept a copyright statement in your PDF, does it comply with arXiv's redistribution license ?

  • Copyright statements are only immune if they do not contradict the redistribution license understanding necessary for submission and acceptance of your article.

12.) Does your PDF file name meet the format requirements ?

  • Just contains these characters: a-z A-Z 0–9 _ + — . , =
  • File names on arXiv are case sensitive. Any submissions with file names that contain other characters besides those listed to a higher place will be rejected.

13.) Does your title run into the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • Not all majuscule letters
  • No unicode characters
  • Simply some MathJax
  • TeX macros expanded
  • Spelled correctly
  • Proper apply of TeX accent commands
  • References to other manufactures on arXiv should be formatted equally
    arXiv:arch-ive/YYMMNNN or arXiv:YYMM.NNNN(N)

14.) Does your author list come across the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • All author names are included in the list (no et al.)
  • Author names or initials are in one of the following formats — concluding name is your family unit proper name
    First Last or First Middle Final or F. Terminal or F. Yard. Final
  • Multiple final names entered in guild First Terminal Last
  • Proper use of TeX emphasis commands
  • No names with "," or "and"
  • No honorifics (Dr., Professor)
  • No caste suffixes (MD, PhD)
  • Other suffixes entered as First Final IV or Kickoff Last Jr
  • Author affiliation(south) follow the author name in parentheses, in either of the following formats:
                Writer 1 (Affiliation1), Author 2 (Affiliation1), Writer 3 (Affiliation2)
Author One (1), Author Two (1 and 2), Writer 3 (2)
((one) Affiliation1, (ii) Affiliation2)
  • Author names are separated with a comma or "and":
    Starting time Final, Starting time Last, Commencement Last
    Commencement Terminal, First Last and First Last
  • If you are submitting as a named collaboration, one of the following formats should exist used.
  • Article written by a collaboration which is comprised of the following authors:
    Collaboration: Writer 1, Author Two, Author Three
  • Commodity written by the following authors on behalf of the collaboration:
    Writer 1, Author Two, Writer Iii for the Collaboration
  • Article written by the following authors who are members of the collaboration:
    Author One, Author Two, Writer 3 (the Collaboration)

15.) Does your abstract meet the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • Less than 1,920 characters — when you attempt to export your PDF from Curvenote, you volition be notified if your abstract is too long.
  • Does not include "abstract"
  • Only some TeX commands with MathJax
  • TeX macros expanded
  • No TeX formatting commands (\it \,)
  • Proper apply of TeX accent commands
  • For new paragraphs, all carriage returns must exist followed by white space (indent). Other carriage returns volition be removed.
  • References to other articles on arXiv should utilize the post-obit format
    arXiv:arch-ive/YYMMNNN or arXiv:YYMM.NNNN(Northward)
  • When submitting an article in a linguistic communication other than English or multiple languages, an English version of the abstruse is required and should be submitted in the following format:
                English abstract
(intentional bare line)
(intentional bare line)
Other language abstract

16.) If your commodity has a study number from your establishment, take you lot included it in the web submission form field?

  • Nothing else should exist included in this field.

17.) If your article has already appeared in a journal or proceedings, does the full bibliographic reference come across the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • References should include the volume number, year, and folio number/range.
  • Multiple references should exist separated past a semicolon and space
  • No URLs
  • Only submissions that have previously appeared in journals or proceedings can exist included in this field. You can add a periodical reference to your arXiv article after submission and one time it appears elsewhere.

18.) If your article has already appeared in a journal or proceedings, does the DOI come across the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • Only DOI(southward) should be included in this field. Instance: x.1016/j.cageo.2015.09.015
  • Multiple DOIs should be separated past a space
  • Only submissions that have previously appeared in journals or proceedings can be included in this field. You tin add a DOI to your arXiv commodity after submission and once information technology appears elsewhere.

19.) If you are submitting to the Math archive, do you take your mathematical nomenclature code and does it see the format requirements for the web submission form field?

  • Find your classification lawmaking co-ordinate to the Mathematics Subject field Nomenclature hither.
  • Format your classification code such that:
    ▹ "Principal" and "Secondary" are in parentheses
    ▹ Multiple classification keys are separated with commas
    ▹ If in that location is merely a main classification, "Master" keyword is optional

twenty.) If you are submitting to the Computer science archive, do y'all have your classification code and does it meet the following format requirements for the web submission class field?

  • Notice your classification lawmaking according to the ACM Computing Classification System here.
  • Format your classification code such that:
  • Multiple classifications are separated by a semicolon and infinite

21.) Have you advisedly checked the title, abstract, and processed files for errors?

  • If you find an error subsequently submission and before the public declaration yous can click "Unsubmit" from the Deportment column on your user folio. You lot tin can then make changes and resubmit your article.
  • If you find an fault later on the public declaration of your article, DO NOT make a new submission with the corrections. The original article should be replaced following the instructions here.

Optional arXiv Submission Recommendations

In addition to the necessary components, there are a few recommended components for arXiv article submission. Nosotros have included the recommendations and mutual use cases for these components below.


  • Entered into the comments field in the web submission form.
  • Cannot be edited without creating a new version of your article.
  • No copyright statements of license data should exist included here.
  • Optional but recommended comments include the following:
  • Number of pages
  • Number of figures
  • "Submitted to" or "Accepted to" with periodical and/or briefing proceedings data
  • URL(s) for related files or data — we recommend including a link to your original Curvenote article.
  • Check that any periods or text following the URL are separated from the URL for right interpretation.
  • On the archive, the URL will exist shown as a link with the text "this http URL", and as such the surrounding text should be written appropriately.
  • If other than English language, note the language of the main text or that there are multiple versions in unlike languages.
  • References to other articles on arXiv should use the following formats
    arXiv:arch-ive/YYMMNNN or arXiv:YYMM.NNNN(North)
  • Author roles — such every bit "Appendix" by or "Editor"
  • If this is a replacement version — comments on the extent of the changes and reasons for replacement.
  • Proper use of TeX accent commands

Large image file sizes

  • Including big figures in a PDF submission can slow the display of your article from some readers. arXiv recommends to keep document sizes down with efficient figures.

As arXiv continues to support and to further open-access publication, our mission at Curvenote is to help scientists, researchers, and engineers accelerate scientific discovery through communication. As a scientific writing tool focused on collaboration, we empathise that science can only move forward when nosotros share our ideas and piece of work together.

Curvenote strives to support authors in every step of their research workflows, from note-taking, drafting, collaboration, reproducibility, and publication. You can learn more about how Curvenote can help in our interview with Dr. Lindsey Heagy, assistant professor at the University of British Columbia, Research Workflows. To learn more about Curvenote's dedicated export feature and integration of arXiv's formatting template, cheque out Steve Purves' blog How to export to PDF & LaTeX using Curvenote.

We promise that this arXiv submission checklist helps speed you lot through the process, and share your research fifty-fifty earlier!


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